This weekend I am in a race in which you have to depend on 3 other people to complete a bike leg, a run leg, and a rafting leg. Depending on people is something I am not good at. I am terrible at. I would rather do the entire thing myself. I think this is preparing my for when I am alone. I will have to learn to depend on people, a very frightening thought.
Some days I can go all day without thinking about what the next couple of months has in store--just live in the moment. Days like today, I wake up with tears in my eyes and a heavy heart because I know that I can not stop time and my daughters' little hearts are about to be hurting.
*Not my little girl
I can't imagine how hard the deployment will be. I hope writing about it will help you process the feelings. Good luck on the race. I think it sounds fun but it is a little daunting having your performance depend on other people!