Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Eating and running

Ever do something you know you should not do, and while you are doing it, you are telling yourself "STOP!!" but you continue?  I am sure we have all be there.  I am there ALOT!  Nothing bad, most of the time it has to do with eating (or don't eat) the day before I know I will be doing a long run.  Let's get something straight first, I am not a scientific runner.  You know, a smart runner.  One who plots what they should eat, the right amount of calories, protein, and sugars to get the most out of a run.  I just run.  Sometimes I will run faster if I think I ate too much junk the day before.  Yes, I am that type of runner. 

My husband is totally into eating right, especially getting enough protein.  I think for the last 10 years he has been trying to get me to take in more protein.  It hasn't worked yet.  I know in my head, if I ate right, I could be so much better at running.  I could go fast, or longer, or both.  I might even lose a couple of pounds too. 

 *This is what I felt like when I ran with out water

 So the other day, I ate like crap!  I did not have breakfast (I never do, I know that is so bad), I think I had a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch and buttered pasta noodles for dinner.  That is not the bad part.  The bad part is I had no water and 2 glasses of wine.  I woke up the next morning with a headache and no energy to run.  Even with my Red Bull I struggled through 3 miles.  After that run, I vowed I would at least think before I eat.  I took the next day off, and made an effort to eat right and drink plenty of water.  What do you know, I had a great run!  I had energy, I wanted to go run, and I did not feel like crap after I ran.  I did not eat super healthy,  I just made sure that I ate enough and drank enough. 

I do not want to be a technical runner.  I do not want to be so consumed with what I should be eating that the process becomes work.  My goal is not to finish first in any race, it is just to be happy and stress free.  However, I know realize I am not 20 anymore and can not just eat crap and expect to run. 

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