Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Simple little words

As I do every day, I sat down at my computer after my run to catch up on what I could have missed in the 2 hours I last checked the computer (almost always nothing). I logged into Facebook and saw this post. I was sitting at the desk and there was the kids' pastels and paper. How hard could this be? So I went to work on my drawing, from my favorite post from SUAR. Took a picture and sent it in to Runninghood. This is what I came up with:

I emailed the picture and in like 5 minutes, Runninghood emailed asking me if I have a blog. Umm, no. Can you tell me a little about yourself? She asked. This is what I wrote to her.
I am a military spouse and mother to two girls, 10 and 6. I am not a fast runner, but I run. We have lived everywhere from Germany to Hawaii to Arizona. Right now we are in San Antonio.
Like I said, I am not fast, but I run and I do it for me. Most of the time, I use running to talk through all my emotions. Like right now, running is helping me cope with the fact my husband will be deploying to Iraq for a year. I like to stay strong for my kids, so the trails and streets are the ones that absorb my tears and anger.
I also use running to set an example for my girls. I work hard, set goals, and let my determination and strength pay off. Last year I ran my first marathon with my sister--our kids were able to watch us finish. The entire time, in my mind, all I could think about was my little ones hugging me at the end.
I really do admire every mom who has decided to run, it really is inspiring and powerful!

Her response is what made me speak, write, hear my own voice. These simple little words are what did it.
So great to read this! Wish you had a blog...sounds like you have something to give with your words/story.

Yes, I do have a voice. I may be the only one who hears it, but I know I am not the only one that has spoke these words--either in the darkest moments or in front of a crowd. Some of us go to a therapist, some of us have a best friend or a journal to confide in. I have the road and the trails and now this blog.


  1. I am SO Glad you started this Alicia!! Can't wait to read your life stories and thoughts! I have a feeling that you won't be the only one who hears your voice. Thanks for sharing!

  2. YAY! Welcome Alicia. Looking forward to getting to know you better and listening to your voice :)

  3. WELCOME! This will be a great vent while your hubby is deployed- along with running.
